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Everything everywhere all at once

Everything Everywhere All at Once is a movie that takes the concept of “The Butterfly Effect” and turns it into one of the most beautiful spectacles one can lay their eyes on. Every single one of our stories features many diverging paths. We have all our regrets of if we made the right decision and the diametrically opposed triumphs made from similar decisions. But we all have the collective experience of looking back at our lives pondering “What if I did do something differently?”

Everything Everywhere All at Once explores this question and makes you proud that you made every decision that you did. You were everything, everywhere, all at once, and despite the odds of an infinite universe being against you, you’re here right now, reading this paragraph.


What does it take to achieve greatness? What are the sacrifices one makes to reach the pinnacle?

We love and adore athletes, artists and actors but we never see just how much they gave up to achieve their dreams.

Whiplash helps one get a glimpse as to how ruthless the quest for greatness is. Is it worth losing your humanity to secure a name in history? That’s for you to decide.


Interstellar is the perfect Sci-fi movie. There is no doubt about it.

This movie defines what space is: An incomprehensively beautiful frontier that is indifferent to downright hostile to any forms of life. It’s a terrifying place.

Yet we humans still have the gall to strap onto a rocket and explore it. It’s what makes humanity humanity.

outer wilds

There are very few things in this world that you can truly experience only once. As experiences fade to the sands of time, memories that were once thought to be once-in-a-lifetime can pop up once more and give a memorable experience once more.

Outer Wilds is not one of those experiences. You have only one shot to truly experience this game. It’s a game that doesn’t get better its second playthrough. It doesn’t get fonder as the years go by. This game is the epitome of a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I cannot recommend this game enough. It’s something you need to set some time aside and complete, and once that task is finished only then will you understand what I have meant here. Experience one of the most beautifully crafted pieces of media.